
Youth Involvement


Calling all youth interested in participating in youth ministry! Do not hesitate to just show up and attend any of our weekly or monthly events. You can also find more detailed information about our Life Teen (high school) and EDGE (7th & 8th grade) programs in the tabs on the navigation bar. Whether you attend Holy Infant School, PSR, one of our local high schools or beyond, we would love for you to join and share some fellowship with us.

If you would like to talk or meet beforehand to find out more about what we do here at youth group, please contact our youth minister, Tommy McAndrews, to set something up or let him know you are coming!


College Involvement

College Core Team

Similar to our Full-Time Core team, our College Core Team is made of up passionate individuals who have a deep love for Christ and the Church, as well as a desire to work with our high school teens. These individuals have completed at least one full year of college, have remained faithful to the Church and her teachings, and are returning for summer break.

Please return applications to our youth minister, Tommy McAndrews, if you are interested in joining our newly reworked College Core team program. Feel free to contact him if you have any further questions, as well.


Adult Involvement

Core Team

Core Team is made of up passionate individuals who have a deep love for Christ and the Church, as well as a desire and calling to work with teenagers. We are always looking for amazing people who are willing to serve the Church in this ministry. We are blessed to be able to offer opportunities to join the Edge Core Team (Middle School Youth Ministry) as well as Life Teen Core Team (High School Youth Ministry). During the summer and holiday breaks we also welcome our HIYM alumni college students to join and assist in leading our ministry.

Please contact our youth minister, Tommy McAndrews, if you are interested in joining a Core Team or have any questions about what it all entails.


Friends of the Youth Group

If you feel called to offer assistance to youth ministry and believe in the work that we do to serve our parish's youth, but do not feel the call to serve as a Core Team member, fear not! Between our normal weekly events, annual retreats (including providing scholarships for youth who cannot afford them) and events that we provide for the parish at large (i.e. Living Stations, O Holy Night, etc) we are always in need of benefactors to our youth ministry program. You're donations, no matter how big or small, will go fully to support the youth of our parish.

You can make out any checks to Holy Infant Youth Ministry and turn them into the parish office or drop them in the collection baskets at Mass. We cannot thank you enough for your support of youth ministry, and most especially for your continued prayers!